My Great Grandfather 'GRAMPS' born in 1875,
said my thumb was called a THINKING FINGER
and it was named this long before it was called just a thumb.

Gramps said that every time he hit his THINKING FINGER (thumb) with a hammer
it made him then think long and harder the next time he did something without thinking first.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Self-Understanding .....

The picture of Me, My Mommy and My Teddybear ... EXPLAINS why I find attraction to the etymology of the word:
1530s, "childrearing," also "the training of animals," from M.Fr. education (14c.) and directly L. educationem (nom. educatio), from pp. stem of educare (see educate). Originally of education in social codes and manners; meaning "systematic schooling and training for work" is from 1610s.
In the above picture my Mommy is pregnant with my middle brother. I didn't get a new 'doll' when that little brother was born ... I was given a new TEDDY BEAR to train!!!