My Great Grandfather 'GRAMPS' born in 1875,
said my thumb was called a THINKING FINGER
and it was named this long before it was called just a thumb.

Gramps said that every time he hit his THINKING FINGER (thumb) with a hammer
it made him then think long and harder the next time he did something without thinking first.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bone Broth Soup and IBS .... learning to honor your gut

Crock pots are cool! Prior to going to bed last night, I started cooking a package of chicken thighs ... covered in water. This morning I removed and boned the chicken pieces. The bones were put back into my crock pot with the broth ... and now they will be simmering. SO easy!

According to TLDP, the minerals found in bone broth can promote healing of the intestinal tract, and both soothe and stabilize mood. Also, bone broth is a particularly rich source of calcium and magnesium and may therefore be beneficial for supporting strong bones. It may also be helpful in calcium or magnesium deficiency related insomnia, irritability, fatigue and anxiety.

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